Welcome to Navidium

I was a Route customer for two years, and while the over-all tech experience was great, I didn't get enough value. Switching to Navidium put all the control back into our business, allowing us to communicate directly with our customers and provide the customer support we wanted to give uninterrupted.

At first I thought it was a bit of a gimmick, that customers wouldn't be willing to add additional costs to their order, even if it gave them peace of mind. I was very wrong. The very first day we installed Navidum we had earned more than the monthly app fee, and we had 29 days of incredible growth day after day. We earn 7 figures a month in near pure profit with Navidium, helping to offset the incredibly expensive delivery fees COVID has caused.

Our customers love this service. In the first 2 months we piloted Navidum, we kept getting customers asking us about it. Everyone had a positive reaction, which frankly was unexpected. I had thought people would feel a bit uneasy with it, but in reality you can't put a price on peace of mind, and Navidium allows us to give our customers just a little peace of mind.

Do you have any questions? We want to hear from you.